Saturday, February 2, 2013

Our Baby Boy!

So Chase and I have been married for about a year and a half now, and it's been wonderful. We have been able to learn a lot from our experiences that have helped us to become stronger for one another. But one thing that has bonded us the most is our little boy! We are THRILLED to become parents in April of this year. Our little boy is going to change our lives, but he is going to help us to become stronger and better for each other so that we can become the best parents we can be for him.

First ultrasound I got at 11 weeks, he was a cute lil bean!

Here I'm 17 weeks, you can see his nose and lips if you look closely

This was the last ultrasound I got and I was 21 weeks

It's been so fun to see how much he has grown and developed during each ultrasound. Now I will just watch my belly grow and see him move around which is so fun/interesting. Only 3 more months to go and we will get to meet and hold our son!